Testing Item: X-Ray fluorescence(XRF) Analyzing test instruction

Test Principle: It could test the composition of raw materials and finished materials, 8 heavy metals can be tested, mainly testing Free Lead or low lead currently

Test Step1: Pick Up the Test Materials in Stock or From Fabric or Bags

Attention Point: Ensure the ERP code of material is for low lead

Safety Criterion: None

Test Step2: Test Environment Requirements

Attention Point

The test environment should be kept at a normal temperature or low temperature of 25℃ plus or minus 5℃ and away from the interference of electronic equipment

Safety Criterion: None

Test Step3: Put Test Materials on the Test Support Platform

Put the test large item on the hand  

Attention Point: There should be no other debris on or under the test item

Safety Criterion: Please hold the test machine firmly, do not fall or crash

Test Step4: Open the Test Gun

Attention Point: Press the password to enable

Safety Criterion: Please turn off the machine and put it into the instrument box to prevent damage when you don't use it.

Press the password to enable

Turn off the machine and put it into the instrument box

Test Step5: Detection Process

Attention Point: 

  1. Open NDT software on the computer.

B.Enter the “Mode” operation mode(Alloy - electronic full metal Mode: test metal and plastic products, large-item sample: main test fabric)

Safety Criterion: Pregnant women should stay away from radiation

Test Step6:Test Time Setting and Validation

Test Step6: Test time setting and validation

Attention Point: Test time:30 seconds, click start after confirmation

Safety Criterion: None

Test Step7:Test Result

Attention Point

A.Click start and stop to get: the metal content value

B.Record test values and feedback to relevant departments

Safety Criterion: None


Eight heavy metal codes: Pb-Lead, Sb-Antimony, As-Arsenic, Ba-Sodium,

Cd-Cadmium, Hg-Mercury, Se-Selenium, Cr VI-Hexavalent chromium, Cr-Chromium